3 Tips To Remember When Rewriting Your Resume

Your resume is essentially your ticket to get a face-to-face interview and land the job you want. Unfortunately, many candidates overlook this area and think that their experience will be enough, regardless of how that experience is laid out in their resume. This isn't the case, and you need to use this opportunity to show recruiters exactly why you are perfect for the role advertised. Below are three tips to get you started:

Make Sure It's Well Presented

First impressions count, and this rule applies even before you meet your prospective employer face-to-face. The best resumes are always well presented and eye catching to whoever is reviewing the applications. Of course, you don't want to overdo this by focusing on the aesthetics too much. Rather, printing your resume on a clean, crisp, white piece of paper and ensuring that the printout isn't crumpled or folded is the best way to go.

When recruiters review your resume, their eye will naturally fall onto the upper third of the page. As such, make sure this drives home the best message possible and includes the most pertinent information.

Understand the Position You Are Applying For

When you put together your resume, you need to pitch it with the correct tone. The most important thing here is to make sure you fully understand the position you are applying for. This is more than just knowing the job role; you need to understand and demonstrate the skill set that the company is looking for.

The clues are in the description. Companies will post advertisements with key buzzwords that they are looking for the right candidate to fill. Make sure you read the job description thoroughly and think about the type of candidate that will satisfy the criteria. Once you have an understanding of this, you can tailor your resume to highlight your experience and show the recruiters how you are the perfect fit for the role.

Make Sure It's Up to Date

Too often candidates will spend a lot of time on their resume and will use this template over a number of years. But whilst your post-college resume might have been good enough to secure you your first job, your skills may no longer be as relevant as they once were, or you may have developed new skills that you need to highlight.

As such, make sure you review your resume every few months to include pertinent information. It's best to front load this as it's easy to forget your experiences and achievement over time. If you don't feel comfortable creating your own resume, consider hiring a business such as JWC Professional Resume Services
