Producing Products With Guaranteed Performance - Options Available In Mechanical Testing

Operating a manufacturing firm can pose many challenges, but perhaps chief among those is making sure that the products you produce can stand up to vigorous usage. Unexpected product failures can do severe damage to your reputation, and it's your responsibility to make sure every possible step is taken to guarantee that you don't fall into that trap.

Perhaps the best way to secure your company's reputation is through a vigorous mechanical testing process. Below, you'll find a guide to some of the services available in mechanical testing that should allow you to develop a better understanding of the options you have to reassure your customers for years to come.

Fatigue Testing

Durability is perhaps the most important quality that a piece of equipment can have, but it's also among the most difficult to test in a factory setting. Obviously, most manufacturing processes don't have sufficient time built in to allow for extended observations, so methods have to be developed to compress that information into the time you have.

Your mechanical testing service can put your prototypes through a fatigue testing regimen that will load and unload typical forces in rapid succession. This persistent loading process will allow you to measure the recovery rate of your products, and that information can be extrapolated to determine overall fatigue effects.

Bend Testing

In some cases, concerns aren't about the repetition of forces but rather the stress of individual forces. For metal products in particular, their ability to withstand bending and then return to their desired state is an important factor to consider, and may play a huge role in determining whether or not certain forces can be withstood.

By bending your items to their breaking point, your mechanical testing firm can develop a precise calculation as to the loads that can be handled. This can then be worked in to your design specifications, and you can advise your customers to the risks accordingly.

Hardness Testing

Ultimately, in an industrial context, the durability of the materials you use is extremely important. This, of course, represents a test on two fronts. Not only does it measure your manufacturing skills, but also the quality of the raw materials being provided to you by suppliers. By using your mechanical testing firm for hardness testing, you can be sure to do your own inspection of component parts that are in your supply line in order to verify that they meet your standards.
